St. Xavier‘s Public School is an exclusive co-educational English medium school having classes from Playway XII
(10+2) ( Streams: Science, Commerce and Humanities ) The school is affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi. St. Xavier‘s Public school is administered by the Progressive
children's Welfare Educational Society. The purpose of starting the institution is to impart education to the children of the
city, irrespective of caste, creed, religion and sex.

Our ultimate focus is character building through education. We nurture the academic skills, fine tune the
aesthetic sense and fill the mind and heart with nationalistic timber. We work towards building a holistic culture
that values the individuality of each pupil, helping them realise their innate potential. We believe in overall
development of personality of a child through academic and co-curricular activities. We are chiefly concerned
with developing three basic powers in a child i.e; power of concentration, power & decision making and power of
unselfishness through value education system. Our academic and co-curricalar activities have been designed and
executed in such a way that we can find an individual talent blossoming with its perfections as a 'True Citizen, a
human being.
We give our pupils wings of ambition, courage skill and practical wisdom, so that they can soar like falcons
to touch the unexplored space to redefine it. We endeavor to make them global citizens who can look beyond
geographical limitations and be ready to promote a healthy culture of nobility, service, sacrifice love and peace
and universal brotherhood.